Introduction – Jubilee 2025 in the Archdiocese of Bombay



Celebrated every 25 years, the Jubilee is a year-long, grace-filled celebration when we are called to reflect on our faith and renew our commitment to God and experience His mercy.

Pilgrims of Hope’, the motto of the Jubilee Year 2025, where Pope Francis invites the Church – the men and women of our time, and above all young people – to rediscover the theme of hope.

Since the year 1300, each Holy Year has held profound spiritual, ecclesial, and social importance for the Church and its followers. In preparation for the Jubilee in 2025, Pope Francis urges us to observe the year 2024 as a time dedicated to prayer and contemplation, focusing on the Four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council.

To offer direction and guidance to the faithful in the Archdiocese of Bombay, informative videos illustrating the Constitutions of Vatican II will be presented during Masses in your parish on weekends. Throughout the year, diverse activities for children and youth will be launched. For additional resources and Jubilee-related content, visit

As ‘Pilgrims of Hope’, the Jubilee 2025 offers a unique opportunity for all of God’s people to strengthen their faith, experience God’s grace and share hope with the world. Embrace the spirit of pilgrimage and participate in this special year of celebration.